Battlefield America Part 5 M(BC)2 with Allen Getz on Behind The Lines

The Prepper Broadcasting Network show

Summary: Battlefield America Part 5 M(BC)2   Host: Allen Getz "Behind the Headlines"   on American Preppers Radio! Mondays 9:00pm/Est  6:00pm/Pt Listen and Chat go to: For the tenth broadcast of Behind the Lines, we will examine a specific text used in academia today which molds collegiate students thinking regarding society. A short review of the preceding episode will lead into this analysis. This dissection will develop into a critical examination of a cornerstone philosophy riveted into the social fabric of the collegiate world and influencing current cultural behaviors throughout society. Examining Simone de Beauvior’s work The Second Sex (one can obtain a copy at the following site here), we will uncover the underlying philosophical arguments facing students today. Attempting an ‘in-depth’ review of the book, we will probe the assumptions, thought processes, and subsequent conclusions... Read More! Join our chat HERE! Tags: American Preppers Network, Prepper Broadcasting