Survival Shotguns and Rifles with Dane D. on Gunmetal Armory

The Prepper Broadcasting Network show

Summary: Survival Shotguns and Rifles! Host: Dane "The Gunmetal Armory" American Preppers Radio aka Prepper Broadcasting!  Thursdays 9:00pm/Est 8:00pm/Ct 6:00pm/Pt Live Listen and Chat go HERE!  This week on The Gunmetal Armory, we will talk all about Survival Rifles, and Survival Shotguns. Just like pistols, there are multiple changes and upgrades you can make to your existing firearms to make them more survival ready and more reliable. Tune in this week and we will go over these changes and upgrades so you can prepare your guns (and yourself) for any SHTF or Apocalyptic Event that may befall you. We will also go into some various ammo options that would be well suited to your newly built Survival Long Guns. If you think there are a lot of Survival Firearm upgrades, just wait till you see how many options there are for ammunition. We will also cover the usual Product Pick of the Week, probably cover some 2nd Amendment News, and maybe even catch a few words from our Mistress of Metal!... Read More! Visit in our chat room HERE!  Tags: Gunmetal Armory, Prepper Broadcasting