Battlefield America 7 P.P.W.S. Pt 2 with Behind the Lines on PBN

The Prepper Broadcasting Network show

Summary: Battlefield America 7 P.P.W.S. Pt 2!  Host: Allen Getz "Behind the Headlines"   on American Preppers Radio! Mondays 9:00pm/Est  6:00pm/Pt Listen and Chat go to: Warning, this show has some good information but because of connection issues there are a few audio interuptions and show was ended early with rest of show to be scheduled next Monday.  For the twelfth broadcast of Behind the Lines, we will continue the examination of reading material used in the college classroom. The focus will remain upon how this material shapes the thinking of specific portions of the student body. We will turn to the core principles shaping the foundation of the texts previously examined. By working ‘backwards’, we will view how the practical explanation of particular thoughts originate in theoretical suppositions. We will once again dissect, examine, and probe for foundation theorems leading to specific conclusions. To accomplish this goal, our focus shifts to an examination of Mr. Jean-Paul Sartre’s work ‘Existentialism is a Humanism’... Read More! Join our chat HERE! Tags: American Preppers Network, Prepper Broadcasting