Sepsis – Fast Lane to Death with Reality Check on PBN

The Prepper Broadcasting Network show

Summary: Sepsis – Fast Lane to Death! Host: Micheal Kline "Reality Check" on Prepper Broadcasting aka American Preppers Radio! Fridays 9:00pm/Est 8:00pm/Ct 6:00pm/Pt Live Listen and Chat go to: What do you think of when you hear the words Sepsis, Septicemia, or better known as blood poisoning? Does the elderly come to mind? Perhaps you think of a grandparent that passed away after contracting it while in the hospital for another ailment. Or perhaps it was someone older who got it after an accident while in the intensive care unit. It could have been an adult relative that had diabetes who cut their foot or had their skin break down. Or even a neighbor that had cancer that suddenly died from an injury while on chemo but you assumed it was because they had cancer. Perhaps you are not even aware of sepsis and the danger it presents to your life or the life of someone you know. Well the truth is even a healthy person can get Sepsis... READ MORE! Joins us in our Chat Room HERE!  Tags: American Preppers Radio, Prepper Broadcasting, Reality Check, Preparedness