The rules of the game part 3 with Behind the Lines on PBN

The Prepper Broadcasting Network show

Summary: The rules of the game part 3!  Host: Allen Getz "Behind the Headlines"   on American Preppers Radio! Mondays 9:00pm/Est  6:00pm/Pt Listen and Chat go to: For this week’s broadcast of Behind the Lines, we continue the study of particular writings which influence conduct in our current political climate. A review of this material provides a necessary understanding of these societal behaviors. Accordingly, we see the effects of these ideologies via their impact upon society. These behaviors follow a specific pattern of utilitarian function and their examination is necessary for gaining understanding of prevailing societal trends. Continuing the journey through the book entitled ‘Rules for Radicals’ written by Saul Alinsky, we review the chapter titled ‘Of Means and Ends’. Building upon the framework of previous chapters, we acquaint ourselves with Mr. Alinsky’s 11 ‘rules’ regarding pragmatic action that create social change... Read More! Join our chat HERE! Tags: American Preppers Network, Prepper Broadcasting