Family First Aid with A Family Affair on PBN

The Prepper Broadcasting Network show

Summary: Family First Aid! Host: Jordan "A Family Affair" American Preppers Radio aka Prepper Broadcasting!  Saturdays 9:00pm/Est 8:00pm/Ct 6:00pm/Pt P.B.N. Live Listen and Chat go HERE!  Your out on a trip with your family and the unthinkable happens, someone in your group gets hurt. What if that someone is you? Do you know what to do? Do your children know what to do? If your bleeding or seriously injured, what do you do next? This is a situation that no one wants to be in. Unfortunately, it does happen. Do you want to give your family an advantage that most do not have? Well then this show is just the one for you. We are going to have a wonderful guest Tony McCallum, a family man, father and the CEO of Mid-American Safety Services. Tony’s history as a former Naval Corpsman, and also his experience from working as a Department of Defense Contractor, Paramedic, Executive Protection Specialist, and Dignitary Protection Specialist definitely sets the bar high on how much this man knows... Read More! Visit in our chat room HERE! Tags: Prepping Up with the Jones, Prepper Broadcasting