Pre-Irresistible Fiction: Occam's Razor

Irresistible Fiction show

Summary: Pre-Irresistible Fiction: Occam’s Razor Still trying to understand what’s happening with the former Occupy the Media Podcast. I’m not willing to believe we are witnessing actual interdimensional communication. So, I’m considering other reasons involving collusion, trickery, and mind-f*ckery. Occam’s Razor seems to be the best pathway to a solution. “The most useful statement of the principle for scientists is "when you have two competing theories that make exactly the same predictions, the simpler one is the better." Occam’s Razor on wikipedia: My two choices are: somehow, another version of me, in a different dimension, has perfected interdimensional communication; or, somebody is messing with me big time in this dimension. Until I get proof of the potential for interdimensional communication, I’m inclined to accept trickery from within our local dimension. Drop me a line at I will have a website up soon. Probably, or If you have knowledge about the topics in this podcast, or if you see anything on social media that reflects the topics raised in this podcast, please let me know about it: Interdimensional communication Quantum theory, especially Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle Digital voice reproduction Literary theory, narrative writing, fiction writing, or if you write fiction. High strangeness: have you had strange, possibly interdimensional encounters recently? Here’s the music I used for this post: Last Dance by Jahzzar Happy Feelings by Dan Lizard Bad Panda #127 by Hypermagic Dirt Rhodes by Kevin MacLeod Autumn Sunset by Jason Shaw Jenny’s Theme by Jason Shaw