104 OEA Podcast – Increase Sales on Your Amazon Listings With This One Simple Fix

The Online Empire Academy Podcast show

Summary: Many of us struggle being able to take the idea in our heads and put that idea into action. This problem exactly is what drove me to start this series.<br> For the next few weeks we will be talking about private labeling. I have lined up some fun and out of the box interviews. I want to show all the sides of private labeling as possible. <br> So You have taken the next step and gotten yourself a beautiful new product to be listed on Amazon. Only problem now is the creation of the listing. What is the quickest way to drive the most traffic to your products? Its not the title, it’s not the feature or bullet point optimization. My friends one of the most important if not the most important part of the private label process is, Pictures. <br> In the words of today's guest Michael Goldberg from FBA Photo, “You have one second to catch the eye of the shopper.” This was one of the greatest take aways for me of most any podcast I have been apart of. As most of you know I love doing eBay. As Michael said this I this pit in my stomach rise. I began thinking of all of my listings that I had simply shot a photo of with my iPhone. Don’t get me wrong I did my best, but how many potential sales was I missing because my pictures looked like crap. <br> Now think about the product you just worked so hard to get private labeled. Are you missing out on sales because of your photos?<br> FBA Photo is the combination of Michael Goldberg’s suave and handsome demeanor and Chris Geraci’s unrelenting need to approach all aspects of life with technical superiority. Together Michael and Chris formed FBA Photo to help Amazon sellers create better listings through better product photography. A picture is worth a thousand words, and thousands of dollars in product sales. We aim to capture the essence of your product in our photographs. Creating stunning product photos that will outshine all of your competition is our goal.<br> If you are wanting to bring your photos to the next level, Michael and Chris are offering 10% off to you empire. To secure this deal go to, https://theonlineempireacademy.com/fbaphotos and let them know you heard about the deal on the Online Empire Academy Podcast.<br> If you want to know more about the Online Empire Academy go to,<br> http://www.theonlineempireacademy.com<br> Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/EIDMastermind/<br> Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQJtNGg7PaK-fsdTDHUp5BQ<br> itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/online-empire-academy-podcast/id379874674?mt=2<br> Stitcher Radio: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/entrepreneur-ideas-podcast/entrepreneur-idea-dads-podcast<br> Until next time Empire, <br> Have a great day!<br> Joshua Woodward and the O.E.A. team<br>