119 OEA Podcast – Breaking The Fear of Hiring Your First Employee

The Online Empire Academy Podcast show

Summary: What’s up Empire!<br> Joshua Woodward here,<br> Our guest today is Nicki Morris. I wanted to bring Nicki on to talk about her immense knowledge of hiring employees. <br> But first let me tell you a little bit about her. She holds an MBA in Executive Management &amp; Leadership. Her passion is working with entrepreneurs to help them gain the knowledge and confidence to build a successful business. Prior to being an entrepreneur herself she was the Vice President of a health company with 5000 employees in Canada. So basically she is a champion. <br> When Nicki got in touch with us i was super stoked. She has done more hiring than I will most likely do in my lifetime. She agreed to come on and talk through the process she uses for hiring on employees. <br> Yes Hiring the first employee is often a tough decision. In this podcast Nicki shares why it is so important to bite the bullet and get the process going. She talked about us as entrepreneurs being able to work ‘on’ the business rather than ‘in’ the business.<br> Finding your first employee can be challenging but it can also be challenging working for an ecommerce entrepreneur. You need to have grace in this season and be willing to step up to the plate. <br> Here are some of the notes I have continued to mull over since the podcast. <br> 1. Clarity – The entrepreneur must be very clear on why he/she is hiring employees<br> 2. Trust – The relationship is based on trust and therefore the ‘personality’ of the employees hired must be aligned with those of the business owner<br> 3. Communication – Expectations of both the employee and owner need to be very clear, need excellent honest communication<br> 4. Patience – The business owner needs to understand that the employee will take time to learn the business<br> 5. Vested Interest – Make employees have a vested interest (e.g. financial) in the success of the business<br> 6. Culture &amp; Fit – Hire for fit and attitude/work ethic, teach skills and competencies<br> For those of you thinking about hiring on that first employee take that leap. Yes there will be a process and yes you will have to have conversations that might be uncomfortable but ultimately it is going to relieve so much stress off of your shoulders. <br> If you want to know more about Nicki and all the amazing things she does go to, <a href="http://nickimorris.com/welcome/">http://nickimorris.com/welcome/</a><br> If you want to know more about us and all we are doing go to, <a href="http://www.theonlineempireacademy.com">http://www.theonlineempireacademy.com</a><br> For those of you wanting more information about our podcast sponsor follow the directions below,<br> Step #1. Go to Amazon.com<br> Step #2 Type in “address labels” into the search bar<br> Step #3 Click on “perfect peel address labels”<br> Step #4 Purchase “perfect peel address labels” with the online empire exclusive promo code given at the end of the podcast.<br> Until next time Empire, <br> Have a great day!<br> Joshua Woodward and the O.E.A. team<br>