128 OEA Podcast – Best Amazon Sponsored Products Campaign Strategy and Tips

The Online Empire Academy Podcast show

Summary: What’s up empire, <br> Joshua Woodward here your podcast host. <br> Today we have on the show Brian Burt and Brian Johnson. They are the experts on Amazon’s sponsored product campaigns. If you have not heard about this amazing amazon service and what it can do for your organic ranking; prepare to be dazzled. <br> If you want to learn how to optimize, scale and master your amazon sponsored product campaigns go to, <a href="https://theonlineempireacademy.com/spa">https://theonlineempireacademy.com/spa</a><br> Until next time Empire, <br> Have a fantastic day!<br> — Transcripts Below This Point—<br> Joshua:<br> What's up, Online Empire Academy? I'm your host, Joshua Woodward. Today we have on Brian Burt and Brian Johnson, from Sponsored Product Academy. If you haven't heard about what they're doing, Brian and Brian have gotten together and created a course teaching you guys how to optimize scale and master your Amazon sponsored product campaigns. I think it's absolutely an amazing tool and I wanted to have them on just to kind of talk through the basics of why we need to do Amazon sponsored product campaigns. Why is it important to do that? Why can't I just list my item? What does it do for my business?<br> We recently did a survey. Thank you, all of you who responded to that survey, but we did this survey asking you guys what you wanted to learn more about and this one of the top things we heard back from you guys. We wanted to bring on the experts in this field. We wanted to see what they had to say about that. Thank you, guys, so much for tuning in and let's hop in.<br> All right, guys, we are here with Brian Burt and Brian Johnson. They are the Amazon sponsored product campaigns experts and I want to dive into this idea. As I talked to you guys before, this really is a subject that's needed within our community. It's something not a lot of people are talking about, which I find really irritating as I'm wanting to go out and do stuff with my Amazon brands and just kind of the private-label industry. I'm finding that there's a huge gap in the market. Whether it's PPC or even driving people to your site and making sure that you're keywording correctly, there's not a whole lot out there and when it is out there, you have to be a genius to go through it.<br> I'm really excited because we have these guys on, Brian and Brian. I'm going to refer to them as their last names because it would get a little confusing to go through it. You guys, introduce yourself. Brian Burt, introduce yourself first. We'll do that. It's a little easier that way.<br> Brian B.:<br> Yeah, sure, Josh. Thanks for having me on. This is fun, man, now that we've got the audio situated. I'm not using my big microphone anymore. Pushed that guy away. Yeah, my name is Brian Burt. I've been an online seller for almost 10 years. I've been in the Amazon game for just over a year and in that time I was able to grow from about 0, well exactly 0, to over $150,000 a month and that's going up quite a bit. I have a goal: a million dollars a month. I'll show you my whiteboard at another time, but it's on there. The one thing that was holding me back here was really my sponsored product campaigns. I had no idea, just like you mentioned, what was going on. That's how I found Brian Johnson.<br> Joshua:<br> Brian Johnson, introduce yourself now.<br> Brian J.:<br> Okay, so I'm Brian Johnson. My background is actually I've been in e-commerce for probably about a decade. Part of that was eBay. I did pretty good as far as selling office and banking equipment and that kind of stuff on eBay. Then I got pulled over to the Amazon side of the house about 3 years ago through a friend of mine. I started with my own private labeling and launching products of my own. Got asked to start consulting for some other brands that were off Amazon to try and help them with everything end-to-end.<br> About a year ago is when I switched over and just de...