You're no good to me if......

Don Woods show

Summary: I watched a programme called "It was alright in the 70s" where various programmes were shown from that era which would be regarded as sexist or racist these days....y' we are the Nanny State.........programmes like The Black and White Minstrels and Benny Hill type stuff....with so-called "celebs" looking totally shocked at what they were watching....foe goodness sake GET REAL!!!...the likes of that silly old sod Bill Oddie shaking his head in disbelief saying "They wouldn't get away with that now... as if he hasn't seen it all before....personally I object to being told what I can and can't was called ENTERTAINMENT which has sadly vanished these days. 2.Also we had to suffer one of those whinging feminists on the morning news programme prattling on about how badly women are treated....then a picture of the bloke who plays Poldark was displayed....with no shirt on... which had apparently delighted our female population...and she was asked about the reaction to male strippers at women's hen parties.....oh it's FINE that way round....and she was asked about the young ladies who lost their jobs as glamour girls at formula one events because a handful of female do-gooders were was good viewing watching her squirm....we KNOW how you feminists feel ladies we don't need telling every 10 minutes....fortunately most women enjoy being who they are and straight blokes (which most of us are) will continue to look at females in the same way as we have done since time began....some of you girls need to get over yourselves....and as for the "Men At Work" sign being sexist just about sums it all up....what next PERSONCHESTER UNITED? 3.The recent drama about Jeremy Thorpe has caused quite a stir...I must admit I didn't know a lot about was very interesting and well acted by Hugh Grant who played the politician really well.....I do like to see and actor actually looking like the person he is portraying.........apparently a lot of facts have been "hidden" over the years (now there's a surprise) and it's all come out in the covered how old Jeremy allegedly hired a hit man to kill his boyfriend....all very enlightening...I think Hugh will get an award for this. 4.How about the guy in France who climbed up the side of that building to rescue a baby who was hanging off a balcony...what a hero...and he was am immigrant and has quite rightly been offered French citizenship....and the soldier who has received an award for bravery for taking on the enemy single handed....nice to see a bit of positive publicity as opposed to the usual terrorists dominating the news.....and because of changes in the railway timetables there is total disruption on the northern trains....displaying what a bunch of idiots we have in our wonderful government. 5.The song this week was the first record I produced when I formed my record company in 1980...I wrote it for my pal Pauline Daniels who went on to make a name for herself over the years....listening to this brings back a lot of memories....I had just built my studio and had made my mind up that I was going to "layer" my other words play all the instruments myself (I'm actually playing the drums on this one as well) which solves a lot of problems as I can arrange stuff as I go I give you BD 001 on Big Dee Records...."You're No Good To Me If You Can't Boogie"...