The Other Woman

Don Woods show

Summary: 1.I watched Tommy Steele on The One Show...he is 81 and looks fact he has hardly changed...and is still performing in big shows....he is starring in The Glenn Miller Story in the west end.....and performed a live excerpt at the end of The One about sensational!!....the guy is a legend...and if anyone deserves a knighthood it's this fella....he was this country's FIRST pop star and wasn't an Elvis clone like the rest of them...and is still going strong.......we have Sir Cliff...Sir Ringo (not sure why)....and SIR Van Morrison (which is beyond me)....not to mention SIR Jimmy and SIR Rolph...yet Tommy only has an O.B.E......if we MUST give knighthoods to entertainers I say "ARISE SIR TOMMY" 2.There is a lovely young lady called Joann Randles who is making a documentary on the life of wrestler Adrian Street and asked me if I would be interviewed on camera to talk about his music which I composed and produced....we met up in Liverpool and did the interview with her boyfriend Chris doing the filming....they really were a delightful couple.....and it was nice to reminisce about the making of the two albums I did for him....and how they were made which left Joann wide of the albums has been re-released on vinyl,CD and cassette....I knew it would come back to haunt stop The Oscars. 3.Went up to The Lake District for a few days....and the weather was wonderful....I normally go in the Winter so I'm not used to blue skies....we stay near the village of Carnforth...famous for it's railway station which was the setting for the film "Brief Encounter"....the film was made in 1945 and starred Trevor Howard and Celia Johnson and was recently voted the 12th best British film of all time....I've seen the film and it is probably the worst film I have ever is about a married woman meeting a married man at a railway station....shock horror...and they have a coffee together before sadly having to part....this was regarded as extremely risqué at the is so bad it's funny. 4.There is a rumour regarding David Beckham getting divorced....whether it's true or not I couldn't care less....he really is a complete buffoon.....his tattoos are now all over his stupid head,,,,and he doesn't half fancy himself....I had to laugh at a comment on a quiz show which explained that when he met Nelson Mandela he gave him a copy of his biography...which no doubt someone would have written for him as I doubt whether he can spell....and someone said "The Long Walk To Freedom...and a short walk to the bin"....classic. 5.The song this week is the B side of the first single I produced on my record is by Pauline Daniels and is entitled "The Other Woman"....and looks at love through the eyes of a blokes bit on the side....which didn't seem so none PC back then in played the A side last week.....Pauline used to sing this in her I give you BIG DEE RECORDS BD001 (b