On Behalf of the Lads

Don Woods show

Summary: 1.(a)The BBC news goes steadily worse....we have an American President meeting up with a Korean leader to try to stop a world war...and doing a good job...but that's not good enough for the BBC...they have to find every possible negative point....questioning the whole thing and over dramatising an important event. ...speaking of which we have blanket reporting on the anniversary of the Grenfell fire...which was a terrible disaster last year and I can't imagine what the residents are going through...but why display their grief all over the news....what good is that doing?...then it's on to the stabbings and muggings in various parts of the country....why do we need to see this on national news...what is the point?...is there nothing POSITIVE going on in the world???....they should try featuring those who can do something about the mayhem instead of glorifying it all. (b)Then we have the World Cup.....90 minutes of football spread over the whole night...with pundits boring us to death...either side of which we have baking competitions and soaps which simply provide employment for washed up actors and pop stars plus other unwatchable trivia. The BBC have several channels which they could easily use for those who want to watch tripe ... but the I suppose they would have to find decent stuff to put on the main channel...which they are obviously incapable of doing....AND CHARGE ME A LICENCE FEE !!!!! 2.And the other channels are no better...with their "reality" programmes like Love Island and Made in Wherever...which is the lowest form of entertainment....not to mention Over 50's Dating...or Blind Date with Paul O'Grady which is as bad as it gets....I am now reduced to watching drama series on Netflix....John Logi Bird must be turning in his grave. 3.It's pretty obvious the ladies are taking over the world....bikinis are now banned in the Miss America contest....and we have to be very careful how we look at a woman...especially if she is wearing a revealing low cut dress with 75% of her boobs on display WHICH SHE IS ENTITLED TO WEAR (before the feminists start shouting)...and we have to be careful holding a door open for them in case we are being sexist....and now "upskirting" was going to be a criminal offence....like it is in Scotland (unless I suppose it's up a BLOKES kilt...which would probably be O.K.).....however this has been thrown out by our wonderful government....I wonder what percentage of blokes want a photo of a pair of knickers....I would guess 0.000001%.....it's a sad situation for the none feminist ladies who get tarred with the same brush....they are even talking about same sex dancing on "Strictly Come Dancing".....definitely time to switch off. 4.Last week we discussed tattoos ... and we failed to see the point...I feel the same about beards....some lads can get away with a five o'clock shadow but the full beard looks ridiculous....and it is the craze at the moment....so if you want to be trendy you have to sport a container of curry and dried beer attached to your chin...I know I'm old but get real fellas....then we have those who take the character route with the wide brimmed hat and handlebar moustache and long scarf around their necks...adding about 20 years to themselves...do they need to be noticed that much?....strange. ...and finally.... Prince Charlie has been a bit upstaged lately by his lad and his bird....so he has announced he wants an electric car to save the environment from global warming....yes your majesty...whatever. 5.The song this week is called "On Behalf Of The Lads" and is a light hearted look at a brave stance on men's behalf....it was written for local comedian Tom Pepper who recorded it and used to sing it to Pauline Daniels when they appeared together....needless to say Pauline had the answer which she sang back to him....this was in the days when comedy was funny and enjoyed by an audience with a sense of humour.