CultureCast LIVE (pt. 1 of 2): Chalke, Pagitt, Horse Feathers, Heatherlyn…and Beer

Homebrewed Culture Cast show

Summary: Are you sitting down? Good, cause this show is pretty sure to rock your shorts clean off.<br> And if you’re at a coffeeshop, goofing off at work or the like that could be a little awkward.<br> But Christian, you ask, pray tell why this show would rock me out of my clothes more so than the average Homebrewed CultureCast? BECAUSE IT’S 110% LIVE BABY.<br> That’s right. We brought Oasis Church’s <a href="">Steve Chalke</a> in from the UK, Solomon’s Porch’s founding pastor <a href="">Doug Pagitt</a> from Minneapolis along with his partner-in-crime singer/songwriter <a href="">Heatherlyn</a>, and a bit of homegrown Portland fabulosity by sprinkling the inimitable Justin Ringle and Nathan Crockett of the band <a href="">Horse Feathers</a> on top of this sundae of theo-cultural deliciosity.<br> All of this, natch, is hosted by your tried and true CultureCast sherpas: <a href="">Amy Piatt</a>, <a href="">Slim Moon</a> and yours truly (no that’s not my name, it’s <a href="">Christian Piatt</a>. Duh.).<br> We descended on Portland’s own Marmoset Music like a podcast-borne siege of near-Biblical proportions hammering the earholes and mind-parts of those in attendance with some CultureCast goodness, all happening right before their very eyes.<br> Okay, so maybe that’s a little bit of hyperbole, but it was pretty awesome. Don’t believe it? Check for yourself.<br> Can’t get enough? Have to listen on to hear who wins, who claims the proverbial conch and rises high above the culture-carnage to reign supreme atop the mountain of virtual corpses left in his or her wake?<br> Well then you’re just gross. Have you no sense of decency? GAWD.<br> If, on the other hand, you just want to dig a little deeper into the live CultureCast haps, stay tuned for the second half of the show, coming soon to a blog post, RSS feed, Stitcher channel or iTunes subscription near you.<br> <a href="">Subscribe on iTunes for free HERE</a><br> <a href="">Catch us on Stitcher Radio HERE</a><br> Extra special thanks to <a href="">Adam Phillips</a>, our show’s producer, <a href="">Jeff Simmons/Caravan Recordings</a>, the sound Svengali and Caedmon Michael for working the door with vigilance. And we could not have pulled this off without our sponsors: <a href="">Phillips Theological Seminary</a> (I’m starting to think those guys like us), <a href="">Basecamp Brewery</a> (nom nom nom) and <a href="">Marmoset Music</a> for this stellar support. <br> Homebrewed CultureCast is produced by <a href="">Square Core Media</a>.<br>