Pastoral Burnout, Healing Spiritual Wounds and How To Hack an Election

Homebrewed Culture Cast show

Summary: <a href="https://trippfuller.loc/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/meow_wolf.jpg"></a>Anyone who knows a few pastors probably knows someone who has struggled with burnout. Ministry always has been an atypical job with lots of unique demands and stressors, but as reported in a Barna Research Group study discussed in a new article called “<a href="">Why Pastors Leave the Ministry</a>,” it’s a growing trend.<br> Then author and pastor <a href="">Carol Howard Merritt</a> talks us through how to heal our spiritual wounds as laid out in her latest book called (not surprisingly) “<a href="">Healing Spiritual Wounds</a>.” Professional hacker and our CultureCast cyber-ethics guru Michael Collins tells us about an experience he had recently at a hackers’ conference where he watched teams of nerds hack into the very election machines used during the 2016 election. He even offers a surprising alternative that he thinks is the most secure way to keep our votes safe.<br> Christian recommends a book he hasn’t read yet, Amy tells you why you should get stuck in a dryer and, as always, she is afraid of…well if I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise, now would it?<br>