HPR2607: Processing

Hacker Public Radio show

Summary: Get Processing from processing.org. Download, extract, and launch. On Linux, just click the processing file. Processing requires that either OpenJDK or Java to be installed. Processing requires a void setup() function, which is a function that Processing expects whenever an application is launched. If you don't have a setup function, your application still launches, but with basic Processing defaults. Try this to start with: void setup() { size(480,720); } Click the Run button in the top left corner to launch your [very simple] application: an empty window that is 480 pixels wide and 720 pixels tall. Draw a rectangle on your canvas by invoking Processing's void draw() function: void draw() { rect(10,10,80,80); } Click the Run button in the top left corner to launch your application. Add some colour to your rectangle: void draw() { fill(8,120,90); rect(10,10,80,80); } Click the Run button in the top left corner to launch your application. Make a simple painting app: void setup() { size(480,720); } void draw() { if (mousePressed) { fill(20,120,90); ellipse(mouseX,mouseY,25,25); } else { fill(random(10,120),random(10,80),random(20,200)); } } More Processing tricks: you can export your application as a standalone Java app, or as an Android .apk as long as you have the Android SDK installed. Processing's documentation is excellent. It has examples for all functions, with pictures.