Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (178)


Summary: Hello! Yoga? Seriously? Yep! Seriously! Over the years Iv'e heard stories about the power of Yoga and I know it's something that is probably good for your body but I have to tell you, this story has made me a believer. Actually, it was the vetting of this week's guest, Sam Shelley, that put me over the edge on the power of using Yoga. Sam Shelley was afflicted with a variety of ailments from physical issues to mental challenges. None of tese things are issues for him today and he credits the power of Yoga for what medical personnel have termed, "spontaneous healing".  Check out my interview with Sam Shelley this week and if you're intersted, he's written a book about his experiences you can find by clicking here. If God is for you, who can be against you?