Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (182)


Summary: Hi Yall! I hope everyone was able to get some time around someone you care about and some good chow for Thanksgiving! My guest this week is Elizabeth O'Keefe and man does she have a story to tell! I hope you find at least one idea in her story that that will help you on your journey to put prison and what put you there behind you.  I've never done this before but I'm going to let Elizabeth give you a preview of her story. These are her words: "Life was more horrible than I ever imagined, and I couldn’t fathom it getting any better. To make matters worse, I had a barely-2-year-old daughter. I was riddled with guilt for bringing her into the world, and wanted nothing but to spare her from the life of hell that I was certain her father and I would create for her. I planned to kill both myself and my daughter within a few days – to finally put an end to the unbearable misery that had gone on for far too many years, and to stop the hellish pattern from repeating itself with my daughter".   Check out my interview with Elizabeth O'Keefe and if you would like to read her book, Step Through The Door: Uncensored, click here.   If God is for you, who can be against you?