The Way Home featuring Trevin Wax

The Way Home with Dan Darling show

Summary: Should Christians be nostalgic about days gone by or be excited about living out their faith in the 21s century? Your answer is a good indicator of how you see yourself and your mission in the world.<br> To help us with this, I’ve invited my long time friend Trevin Wax to join us. Trevin is the Bible and Reference publisher at <a href="">B&amp;H Publishing Group</a>. He is also the managing editor of the popular <a href=";002=2138335&amp;004=5371250877&amp;005=45657292917&amp;006=183139654443&amp;007=Search&amp;008=&amp;025=c&amp;026=&amp;s_kwcid=AL!4443!3!183139654443!e!!g!!gospel%20project&amp;gclid=CNnT98m4ytICFde6wAod2UUFRA&amp;ef_id=V6tiTQAAALnVH3zA:20170309221209:s">Gospel Project</a> curriculum. Trevin is a thoughtful voice and the author of several books, including his latest one, which we will discuss <a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=9325&amp;creativeASIN=1433648474&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=familyboonet-20&amp;linkId=e495722a44b318a2925d8c9cf591f615" target="_blank">This Is Our Time: Everyday Myths in Light of the Gospel</a>. He also blogs regularly at the Gospel Coalition.<br> Trevin and I will discuss Christians and our politics, how different generations of the church see the world, and why he is hopeful about living out the gospel in today’s complex culture.<br> Show Notes<br> <br> * Twitter: <a href="">@TrevinWax </a><br> * Book: <a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=9325&amp;creativeASIN=1433648474&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=familyboonet-20&amp;linkId=e495722a44b318a2925d8c9cf591f615" target="_blank">This Is Our Time: Everyday Myths in Light of the Gospel</a><br> * Websites: <a href=";002=2138335&amp;004=5371250877&amp;005=45657292917&amp;006=183139654443&amp;007=Search&amp;008=&amp;025=c&amp;026=&amp;s_kwcid=AL!4443!3!183139654443!e!!g!!gospel%20project&amp;gclid=CNnT98m4ytICFde6wAod2UUFRA&amp;ef_id=V6tiTQAAALnVH3zA:20170309221209:s">Gospel Project</a> and <a href="">B&amp;H Publishing Group</a><br> <br>