The Way Home: Kyle David Bennett on spiritual disciplines

The Way Home with Dan Darling show

Summary: What do personal, spiritual disciplines have with our life on mission in the world? How does personal righteousness affect our activism? Kyle David Bennett, professor at Caldwell University and author of <a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=9325&amp;creativeASIN=1587434032&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=erlc-20&amp;linkId=dd078e23ae3a3c14cbdd5cb1679da092" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Practices of Love: Spiritual Disciplines for the Life of the World</a> helps us see the connection between vertical piety and horizontal relationships.<br> <br> <br> Show Notes<br> <br> * Twitter: <a href="">@kyle_d_bennett</a><br> * Website: <a href=""></a><br> * Book: <a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=9325&amp;creativeASIN=1587434032&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=erlc-20&amp;linkId=dd078e23ae3a3c14cbdd5cb1679da092" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Practices of Love: Spiritual Disciplines for the Life of the World</a><br> <br> <br>