The Coming Christian Attack on Jordan Peterson | The Causes Of Things Ep. 6

Sovereign Nations show

Summary: Dr. Jordan B. Peterson burst onto the scene and became an internet sensation in 2017, dishing out common sense replies to the excesses of out-of-control, wacky postmodernism and the liberal progressive empires dispensing draconian challenges to free speech and cognitive liberty that these movements promote. Peterson’s critiques of the oppressor vs oppressed neo-Marxist narratives of today’s social justice movements along with an equally critical examination of the founding Father’s of postmodernism: Michele Foucault and Jacques Derrida, have been devastating -– showing the paper tigers of postmodernism for what they really are. Respected reformed Christian scholars and apologists such as Dr. James White, Pastor Douglas Wilson, and Dr. Owen Strachan have had a fairly balanced understanding of the positives of Dr. Peterson - as well as helping to provide a polemic that also understands and elucidates the issues with Peterson’s worldview apart from the soteriological aspects of the Gospel.  And these are balanced and fair views But there is a terribly negative push coming from men and women who are at the pinnacles of Christian denominational or seminary power who are trying to protect their own new, current, postmodern, urban ministry, progressive agendas driven by the over-arching strategies that we covered in Episode 5 of The Causes of Things: the Bibles Badges and Business schemes. This attack will be coming from Deconstructionist Christians who will encourage their followers to completely reject Peterson as they forcefully attack Peterson’s training in Jungian psychoanalysis. What should you do? How should you approach your consideration of Dr. Peterson's work? Join us as we discover "The Causes of Things." Read more at