A Modern Muse: Emma Tillman (Episode 15)

Muses and Stuff Podcast show

Summary: <p>This week we completely skip over the 80s and 90s (because Chanty can’t emotionally handle them yet) and talk about a Modern Muse!</p> <p>This beaming light of babe-shine is Emma Tillman, wife of Josh Tillman (aka the Sexiest Man in Rock and Roll right now). We talk about how she’s the quintessential muse, having the brains, beauty and talent to rival her rock god’s.</p> <p>Chanty invites her brother Blake back on as a guest and they record on David Bowie (and Elvis’!) birthday. They fight with their family cat for the spotlight and talk about Real Love, Baby.</p> <p>In this episode, Chanty finally reveals a Groupie story of her own. It’s about the summer evening she spent with Josh Tillman himself, a true gentleman.</p> <p>Chanty and Blake talk about the magical land that is Laurel Canyon and of course make connections between Miss Pamela (yes again, and forever), Bebe Buell and the sexy rockers and groupies goddesses of the Canyon back in the swingin’ 60s.</p> <p>Finally, Chanty loses track of words when she begins to express her belief that FJM is the best thing to have happened to rock and roll music in recent time and resists the urge to yell out “AND HE’S SO F****** HOT” in front of her brother because that would be inappropriate.</p> <p> </p> <p>You can find Chanty on Facebook and Instagram @musesandstuffpodcast</p> <p>If you haven’t already, check out Michael Butler’s Rock and Roll Geek Show Podcast on iTunes and wherever Podcasts are sold (but they’re free).</p> <p>Find Emma Elizabeth Tillman online on Tumblr and Instagram and you will not regret it!</p>