#25 How to Organize Your Financial Records [Podcast]

Retirement Answer Man Show: Retirement Planning That's Fun show

Summary: <br> My financial records are a mess. Really, they're horrible.<br> Last week,  it took me 3 days to find a car title. My records are a mess. It's embarrassing. I work so hard to help keep my clients' financial lives in order and neglect my own record keeping.<br> Need to get organized?<br> In this episode, I'll share the framework I'm going to use to get my act together. In fact, I've added an Organize Your Financial Records checklist to the Retirement Answer Library.  So, <a href="http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/manage/optin?v=001OnAlV3LQEP8i7FmDMrpdB76D44HljNvPpMunBEgDFHSKrK9vKHCIuPrI-5FH2k5LPP10DP7xy6crFnn2m4J-t3lhQWmMhh7SWgsMu4vju3JWagJHNtfTEJlsWMzhM2PvvggNRX7imClOmQefaXpdhSCy5TKJ8F-_" target="_blank" rel="noopener">click here</a>, download it and let's get organized together.<br> Retirement Tip of the Week<br> Ever lend money to a family or friend? In my practice, I see this all the time.  We all want to help the ones we care about and, if you've done well, you'll get asked to invest or lend money by someone close. Unfortunately, helping out with loans or investments can be one of the worst decisions you make.<br> In this episode, I'll show you how to deal with these requests and a framework for lending money to friends and family that may save you a lot of grief.<br>