A Conversation With...Joe Bob Briggs

Frightday: Horror, Paranormal, & True Crime show

Summary: With his 24(ish) hour, 13 film marathon on Shudder this July 13th (9pmEST) looming, we were lucky enough to chat with the aficionado of trash himself, influential host of both Drive-In Theater, and MonsterVision, Joe Bob Briggs. Watch Joe Bob Brigg's The Last Drive-In with us! Don't have a Shudder membership? No problem! Use promo code FRIGHTDAY for a free month, on us. http://Shudder.com Want the next episode days before its wide release? Support us at http://patreon.com/frightday at the $4 level or above. Keep our mini-fridges full of blood...I mean...not blood...normal things that people drink...by going to http://shop.frightday.com Follow us in the shadows at the following places: http://frightday.com http://twitter.com/frightday http://facebook.com/groups/frightday http://instagram.com/frightday http://facebook.com/ffrightdayy