U.S. Money Reserve’s Coy Wells Talks Silver and Why Banks are Buying It Up - Entrepreneur Podcast Network – EPN

Enterprise Podcast Network – EPN show

Summary: <br> Coy Wells, the Senior Sales Manager with U.S. Money Reserve, one of the nation’s largest distributors of precious metals joins <a href="https://epodcastnetwork.com/u-s-money-reserves-coy-wells-talks-silver-and-why-banks-are-buying-it-up/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Enterprise Radio</a> to talk with us about a precious metal not-to-be-forgotten: silver!<br> Listen to host <a href="http://www.twitter.com/EricDye" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Eric Dye</a> &amp; guest Coy Wells discuss the following:<br> <br> Why is silver/precious metals important to one’s portfolio?<br> How does silver correlate to other assets that people typically own?<br> How much silver should one own in their portfolio?<br> Where do you see silver going in the future and why?<br> How come financial advisors and financial institutions are not telling their clients the same thing?<br> Why are banks buying up so much silver right now?<br> How does one go about adding silver into their portfolio?<br> <br> “There is no substitute for hard work and tenacity.”<br> In his ten years with <a href="http://www.usmoneyreserve.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener">U.S. Money Reserve</a>, Coy Wells has risen to the challenge and successfully established and grown a dedicated, knowledgeable sales team. He consistently maintains that growth today, expanding U.S. Money Reserve’s customer base, even in a volatile market.<br> Previously with Whole Foods, Wells spent ten years faced with many similar challenges, only the products were different. Wells consistently overproduced and over-delivered and was recognized for his accomplishments. Whole Foods and U.S. Money Reserve both saw significant growth with Wells at the helm of the sales teams. Growth which provides opportunity and challenges in management.<br> Coy Wells grew up with a rural upbringing that instilled in him a strong work ethic, responsibility, and the value of tangible assets.<br> “Spending 25 years in farm and ranch work you develop a strong work ethic,” Wells says. “You learn problem solving and how to look for solutions rather than concentrating on problems. Without these traits you will fail. My love for the land has translated into my passion for Gold and precious metals. Both are tangible assets. The challenges of agriculture are the same as the challenges in business. The rewards are similar. Gold and Land are totally different from paper or digital assets. They’re both real. That’s why I respect Gold as wealth protection and security for my clients.”<br> <br> Website: <a href="http://www.usmoneyreserve.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">www.usmoneyreserve.com</a><br> Social Media Links:<br><br> Facebook: <a href="http://www.facebook.com/UsMoneyReserveInc" target="_blank" rel="noopener">www.facebook.com/UsMoneyReserveInc</a><br><br> Twitter: <a href="http://www.twitter.com/USMoneyReserve" target="_blank" rel="noopener">www.Twitter.com/USMoneyReserve</a><br> People also listened to this:  <a href="http://epodcastnetwork.com/u-s-money-reserves-patrick-brunson-discusses-what-big-banks-know-about-gold-that-many-dont/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">U.S. Money Reserve’s Patrick Brunson Discusses What Big Banks Know About Gold That Many Don’t</a><br>