Remapping your CapsLock key for use as the VoiceOver modifier keys.

All Cool Blind Tech Shows show

Summary: In this episode Garth demonstrates the installation and setup of the applications <a href="">Karabiner</a> and <a href="">Seil</a><br> to allow the remapping of your CapsLock key for use as the VoiceOver modifier key.<br> <br> He also shows you how to set up another keyboard shortcut to enable and disable capsLock.<br> <br> * Go into System Preferences, Keyboard. In the keyboard tab of the dialog, activate the Modifier Keys button. In the table, find the CapsLock key option and assign “No Action”.<br> * From, download and install the applications<br> <a href="">Karabiner</a> and <a href="">Seil.</a><br> * Open Seil, and in the Settings tab, find the first table. In the table expand the row which relates to the CapsLock key. Activate this option by checking the checkbox. Move VO focus over to the Key Code field and VO+Spacebar on it. Now, overtype it from 51 to 110. .<br> * Open Karabiner. You’ll receive a system notification the first time you run the utility. You’ll be prompted to allow Karabiner to control the computer using Accessibility Features. Follow the prompt and you should be taken to the Security and Privacy pain of System Preferences where you can grant access to Karabiner.<br> * Back in the “Change Key” tab of Karabiner, use the search field to find the appropriate configuration in the table. You can search for blind and the list will be narrowed to the appropriate entry, Use CapsLock as VoiceOver key. Check this checkbox and you’re ready to use your CapsLock key as the VoiceOver modifier.<br> <br> To setup a CapsLock key replacement, go to the “Change Key” tab of Karabiner. In the Remapping Table, find the entry, Shift+Escape to CapsLock and check it. Now you’re able to use these keys to toggle CapsLock on and off.