CBT Live From #CSUNATC17: KNFB Reader, Now Available for Windows 10 Devices

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Summary: Hugo Gallegos visits with Joel Zimba from the <a href="https://nfb.org/" target="_blank">National Federation of the Blind </a>to discuss KNFB Reader for Windows 10 devices. Until now, <a href="https://knfbreader.com/" target="_blank">KNFB Reader </a>has only been available for iOS and Android devices, but you can now <a href="https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/p/knfb-reader/9nblggh6hqkk" target="_blank">download </a>it on any phone, tablet, or PC running Windows 10.<br> Learn more about this exciting new release <a href="https://coolblindtech.com/a-20-ocr-solution-becomes-a-reality-with-knfb-reader-for-windows/" target="_blank">here.</a><br>