EP 23: Why its critical for you to analyze your performances as an athlete.

Athlete Maestro | The Ultimate Podcast For Young Athletes | Sports Education | Sport Psychology | Mental Toughness | Athlete Development | Mental Training with Tola Ogunlewe show

Summary: "there is a syndrome in sports called paralysis of analysis " – Arthur Ashe What make the best athletes in the world successful? What makes them great? This are great questions. Imagine you sat for an exam in school and you never got the results for the exam. How would you know whether you failed or succeeded? Imagine you sold goods or products and you never got any feedback from your clients, how would you know if they enjoyed the product or not? For all you care they could have bought the products and abandoned it. It happens. How does this apply to sports and the topic for today you might ask. Well, in order to determine the amount of progress you are making as an athlete you need to analyze your performances. How do you know what you should be working on? By taking a closer look at your performances. That’s what would determine your progress. That’s what would determine if you are heading in the right direction. The greatness of the superstar athletes lies in improving on where they currently are and the only way to do that is to analyze your performances. In this Episode 23, I tell you why its important to take a closer look at your performances and what it would mean to your career. I also give you examples of superstar athletes who analyze their performances regularly and the success they currently enjoy. ACTION FOR TODAY I want you to take a closer look at your most recent performance. The last race you ran or the last match you played. I want you to be alone when you do this. Now tear out a sheet of paper and write down what went well and what went wrong. When you finish this I want to you discuss with your team. If you don’t have a team you can send me a mail, I’ll be your team, I already am, after all you are listening to the podcast. Now discuss with them on ways they think you can improve on that recent performance. Get that feedback and the rest would flow from there. Get in touch with me. tola@athletemaestro.com P.S. Are you sharing Athlete Maestro with your teammates, friends and colleagues? Do so by clicking the share button in the audio above: If you love the Episode share it with your friends and teammates. Subscribe on itunes