Colgems To The Sunshine - Episode #57

Come To The Sunshine show

Summary: In an episode first aired on June 29, 2009, host Andrew Sandoval brings you another exciting installment of "Come To The Sunshine" this time paying tribute to the short-lived, but endlessly fascinating Colgems label. Developed by Columbia Pictures and Screen-Gems Music in 1966 as something of a vanity imprint for soundtracks and recordings by The Monkees, it is their many non-Monkees releases that hold particular interest for fans of '60s pop. The label's topsy-turvey A&R approach led to a psychedelic single from Hoyt Axton, last gasp rockin' soul from Jewel Akens and the awesome country rock of the Lewis & Clarke Expedition. With talented producers like Gary Paxton, Stu Philips, David Gates, Richie Podolor and Jack Keller, it is surprising how many non-hits the label turned out in a four year stretch. Episode #57 of "Come To The Sunshine" presents 45 single slices of Colgems' 45 rpm magic - all from original vinyl (not a CD in the house folks) - with music by: The Monkees/Hoyt Axton/Lewis & Clarke Expedition/Sally Field/Jewel Akens/Hung Jury/Fountain Of Youth/Paula Wayne/Sajid Kahn/Peter Kastner/P.K. Limited/New Establishment A full playlist is available at: