Matthew Kozan Palevsky: Wandering on the Way

Upaya Zen Center's Dharma Podcast show

Summary: Episode Description: In this talk, Matthew Kozan Palevsky explores the Fourth Noble Truth, the “pathless path”, as it relates to our desire to find direction within our lives, and the subtler joy of being lost. “If you have ever driven around, pretending you know where you’re going, and finally admit that you don’t, its freeing!” Drawing from the works of contemporary writers and Zen teachers, Kozan also discusses how the trappings of modern society can lead us to the avoidance of life or can lead us towards it.<br> To help keep these podcasts freely available, we hope you will consider making a suggested donation of $25 to our <a title="Give to Upaya's Dharma Podcast Fund" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Dharma Podcast Fund</a>.<br> <br>