U.S. Born Children Losing Immigrant Parents to Deportation

Midday on WNYC show

Summary: <p><em>VICE</em> correspondent Krishna Andavolu discusses the most recent episode of <em>VICE</em> <em>on HBO</em>, “<a href="https://news.vice.com/en_us/article/mbkn83/watch-the-trailer-for-vice-on-hbos-episode-separated-by-birth" target="_blank">Separated By Birth</a>.” There are more than four million U.S.-born children living in the United States who have at least one undocumented immigrant parent. As U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) widens its target for enforcement, more of these kids — U.S. citizens by birth — could see their families uprooted by the arrest, detention, and removal. Andavolu will discuss embedding with ICE and what it's like to be an American kid growing up in the shadow of deportation. </p> <p>If you want to learn more about resources for helping American children whose parents face deportation, click <a href="https://www.hbo.com/vice/season-06/separated-by-birth/resources" target="_blank">here</a>.  </p> <em>This segment is guest hosted by DW Gibson</em>.