Fuck Yo Valentine's Day Palooza 2016

Sapphire's Earplay show

Summary: It's that time of year again as couples scramble for plans and Sapphire's giving the middle finger(again) to L-O-...well you get it haha Also find out what sexual thing Sapphire gives up for Lent this year...and possibly forever.... NEW Follow Updates: @MsRadioSapphire-Twitter, Periscope & Instagram Email: SapphiresEarplay@gmail.com LIVE Every Wednesday on the app Periscope: MsRadioSapphire! If you want to call/text Sapphire join Chatstar.com/Sapphire (All calls and messages are private and discreet!) Also head to themisfitsnetwork.com/ to subscribe and listen to all shows, receive upcoming news from comedians, porn stars, and more!!