Robert Kiyosaki, Bill Murphy, Chris Waltzek Ph.D. & Robert Ian - June 22, 2018 - Radio ©2005-2018. A Spina-Waltzek Production-©2005-2018 Royalty free music from Google Play. Disclaimer: this show is presented a


Summary: June 22, 2018(S13-E652)Featured GuestsRobert Kiyosaki & Peter GrandichPlease Listen Here Show HighlightsRobert Kiyoaski, America's 'Rich Dad' returns to the show, author of Second Chance: for Your Money, Your Life and Our World (2015). The Rich Dad book series author expects the US shares rally to pause; he's accumulating a cash position to invest in safe haven assets. Rich Dad expects for most investors to relinquish gains via illiquid assets such as sluggish mutual funds. The investor herd has little knowledge of key alternatives to equities, which will further exacerbate the dilemma. Robert Kiyosaki started purchasing gold at $70 an ounce en route perhaps to $10,000 and continues to HODL gold / silver at these levels.Gold remains the ideal hedge against inflationary economic policies and unscrupulous activities. In 2000, the US dollar was the de facto currency to own - today investors have many alternatives, such as the Euro, Bitcoin, PMs, etc. Gold is the best financial portfolio insurance policy, the only money official sanctioned from above, "Gold is God's money." For investors seeking income, dividend yielding US equities are advisable, notes our guest. His "Five G's:" gold, gasoline, grub (food), ground (real estate), and guns will help every household withstand the imminent financial sea change.Peter Grandich of Peter Grandich and Company and Pete Speaks returns with commentary on the US stock market and the PMs sector. Our guest sees a new "Cold Trade-War" that includes threats against China of $200 billion in new tariffs, our largest trading partner.Peter Grandich entered the largest dollar short position against US equities in his 35+ year career and turned strongly bullish on the PMs sector. US trading partners have recycled trillions of US dollars vis-à-vis the massive trade deficit, by way of buying US Treasuries, resulting in the longest bond bull. The four decade theme could be reversing on reports that the BRICS nations are dumping US debt, including Russia, which just sold half of its US Treasuries.Peter Grandich split half of his portfolio into physical gold / silver and half into the mining shares with a nearly 10% downside vs. 100% upside potential. The discussion includes the seminal work of Egon von Greyerz on the Venezuelan Bolivar calamity, where a currency crisis resulted in hyperinflation; one ounce of gold now costs 75 million Bolivars in just a few months time.