2/28/2016 Tri-C Ghost Hunters Todd Schelat, Kathy and Greg Feketik

Beyond The Edge Radio  show

Summary: Do you love a good old fashion ghost story? We do! This week on the show we're joined by Greg and Kathy Feketik and Todd Schelat of the Tri-C Ghost Hunters. We'll be discussing the group, it's past investigations and some of thier spookiest cases. plus a sneak peak into Greg's new book "Insights Into the Unknown, A Ghost hunters journey." Be sure to join us this week as we welcome Greg, Kathy and Todd of the Tri-C Ghost Hunters on BTE Radio. About the group: The Tri-C Ghost Hunters was founded by Greg Feketik, Kathy Feketik, Todd Schelat & Jake Tolin. Their mission statement is to provide insight and assistance to our clients who are experiencing possible paranormal activity in their lives, homes, or businesses, as well as to the public, based on our knowledge and experience." Tri-C Ghost Hunters, with members in the Cleveland, Canton and Columbus areas of Ohio, is a team of dedicated paranormal investigators and enthusiasts who investigate claims of paranormal activity throughout Ohio and the surrounding states. Our team consists of investigators, tech specialists, audio specialists, researchers and psychics/mediums. We have come together as a team to share our experiences and expertise in investigating the paranormal, and to give our clients the best they can possibly receive in investigations and research of their homes and businesses. We have over 140 years' total experience in investigations and the paranormal field, in general. As individual investigators, we have been on over 725 investigations, from a small two-bedroom apartment in West Virginia to a large 12th century castle in Scotland. We use a wide variety of equipment during our investigations, everything from pendulums to a Flir thermal imager, in an attempt to gather data and evidence to prove or disprove if your home or business is experiencing true paranormal activity. The most important thing we bring to an investigation though is our common sense. In some cases paranormal activity can have a reasonable and natural explanation. We do not ask for any money or donations for any investigation. All of our investigations are free of charge. Each member purchases his or her own equipment, and pays for any travel that may be required. We are here because we want to help you figure out what is going on in your home or business. Tri-C Ghost Hunters also conducts presentations on investigating the paranormal. The presentation includes audio, video and photographic evidence from past cases, as well as the basics of conducting an investigation. To learn more visit their website at http://www.tcghohio.org/ Tune in this Sunday night as Eric and Marie welcome the Tri-C Ghost Hunters on Beyond The Edge Radio.