Ep #4 [Bonus Q&A Session] Building a business, NLP and Psychology, using a meetup to get leads in biz...

The Driven Entrepreneur with Matt Brauning show

Summary: Today is a bonus episode from a Live Q&A answering a few hot questions of the week. Join in a facebook live session I did recently anwering things like: 1.) Nate Whalen asked what has one of your biggest personal takeaways been from building your own business ground up? Answer) I talk about following your passion as a potentially good or bad thing, how to navigate this, and why much of today's advice doesn't work in that area. 2.) Bruce Moreno asked how well #NLP and traditional psychology play together. Answer) I speak to the similarities and the differences between the two. How NLP tends to have a more "whole person" point of view versus normal or abnormal. In NLP there is no abnormal, simply behavior adaptions, and curiosity as to how people choose. More in the episode on this. 3.) Jim James Cassidy asked about setting up a meetup successfully in your business. Answer) I share in the final third of the episode a few secrets to starting and launching a successful meetup group, and how to make sure people show up. Also about how long they should be, and a format for the evening meetup. Oh, and which days or evenings are the best for show up rates!Enjoy, and tune in next week for a few more. Listen in and let me know what you think. If you have comments, questions, or an idea for a future episode, find me on social media: Twitter: @mattbrauning Facebook: @mattbrauning Insta: @mattbrauning