Silence (2016) Martin Scorsese – Movie Review

The Qwipster Film Review Podcast show

Summary: Shusaku Endo's 1966 novel provides the basis for Martin Scorsese's adaptation set in the 17th Century, regarding a couple of Portuguese missionaries, Father Sebastian Rodrigues and Father Francisco Garupe, who travel to Japan to find their long-lost mentor, Father Ferreira, after discovering a letter written by him a few years back detailing the suffering of the those wishing to spread Christianity there. Ferreira is believed to still be alive in the island country, though there is a question on what circumstances he is currently living under, and whether his faith has been abandoned in favor of living a life as a Japanese noble. The Jesuits find themselves within a hostile environment toward those of Christian beliefs, having to hide out after being helped by the inhabitants of a village who are ravenous for Christian faith. The native villagers exuberantly offer to help the padres and their mission, knowing that it could mean certain torture and death should their activities be discovered, unless they make a public denouncing of their faith.