Episode 3 - Stacey Bought - Kinesiology

The WarriorU Podcast show

Summary: In this episode of WarriorU Bram discusses Kinesiology with Stacey Bought. Kinesiology encompasses holistic health disciplines which use the art of muscle monitoring to access information about a person’s well being. Originating in the 1970’s, it combines Western techniques and Eastern wisdom to promote physical, emotional,mental and spiritual health. Stacey has a wealth of information about the benefits of the discilpline and how it can be used to treat depression and anxiety amongst other things. At WarriorU we believe in helping people be the best version of themselves, through tailored physical training programs, self development lessons and critical analysis of who we are and where we are at. Mentorship is the key to success, someone somewhere has been in in your position before. www.warrioru.com.au