The Confidence Podcast  show

Summary:  <br> <br>  <br> There are 7 ways to fire up the courage that you can put into action today!  Listen in to the Confidence Podcast's Episode #34 for a detailed discussion on all 7 tips and to learn how to live with heart in the face of disheartenment.   Go against the flow of averageness in life: live with heart, with POW, and with courage.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br> <br> 7 Ways to Fire up Your Courage<br> #1: Make a creed that you will always live with heart.<br> When you are committed to living with your heart engaged, it becomes part of who you are in all that you do.  It becomes your core, and your core value.  Brandon and I have a family creed that we have written for ourselves: “We commit our lives to each other and God that through intentional love and uncommon living our lives will be greater than any goal or dream we imagined on our own.”<br> <br> It is a commitment.  It is a creed. <br> <br> Sometimes you can lose sight of your creed, but once you establish a creed, it is always within you and it will guide you back to where you need to be.  You can do this too. <br> #2: Seize the season.  <br> No matter what you are going through, you get to label your life with words.  If you label your mind with discouragement, you will continue to be discouraged.  <br> <br> Take your heart back and live in the present by focusing on the challenges you are currently facing as refining fire that is shaping you into someone stronger and with more character.  You are in a season for a reason.  Live in the season instead of looking at everyone else’s or towards your next season….others might be bearing fruit but you don’t know how much pruning they went through for that fruit.  Take courage in knowing that your current trials are pruning you for something greater. <br> #3: Paint your priorities where you can see them.<br> Remind yourself of what is really important and what matters most to you.   Paint your world with positivity and encouragement.  Write down what matters most to you.  Keep your dash visible.<br> <br> It’s easy to get lost in the overwhelming details of life, and in the shuffle we end up losing our true selves and our purpose.  Life becomes burdensome and overwhelming when you lose your priorities and forget what really matters.<br> #4: Be a gladiator.<br>  Put on your own mental armor and equip yourself to be a champion by telling yourself that “you are strong” and that “you will have the strength to continue and to persevere” even though things may look dim or uncertain.   <br> #5: Carry confidence.<br> Remind yourself that everyone gets down and that if you are feeling low or discouraged that it is not an indicator of weakness or necessarily a lack of confidence.  Even the most confident person ebbs and flows emotionally and faces self-doubts….the truly confident person knows that deep down, even when they can’t feel it, they carry confidence and that confidence will carry them through.  Use your dreams as a guiding light and your purpose as your gasoline to drive you when you’re not sure where to get the fuel from.<br> #6: Know that needing courage means that you are where you are meant to be.<br> If you aren’t playing scared, you aren’t playing in the right stratosphere.<br> #7: Put yourself on a platform<br> Allow others to be a foundation to you.  Be vulnerable, let someone encourage you and build you up when you feel down. <br> <br>  <br>  ANNOUNCEMENTS:<br> Help me with the content of my newest app!  Just submit your favorite "Trishisms" or things that I have said either on my show or in one of my books below in the comment section.  You will be an instrumental part in helping me make an amazing pocket inspiration app to keep you inspired in 2014!   <br> FREE THREE-VIDEO CONFERENCE TO ELEVATE YOUR CONFIDENCE:<br> www.breakoutvideos.com<br>