Anders Petterson previews ArtTactic's upcoming seminar How to Research Your Art Business Idea

ArtTactic show

Summary: In this week’s episode of the ArtTactic Podcast, Anders Petterson, founder of ArtTactic, joins us to discuss ArtTactic’s upcoming seminar, How to Research Your Art Business Idea, a 3-evening course occurring from September 12-14 in London. Considering that we interview so many art entrepreneurs on the podcast, we thought you would enjoy hearing a preview of our seminar, which is focused on assisting art entrepreneurs with their business ideas. First, Anders explains why ArtTactic is hosting the seminar at this time, citing the many ways in which the art industry is changing, including the increasing entrepreneurship outside of the transaction based business models, the increase in the industry’s size, the maturation of art as an asset class and the increasing development of technology, social media and e-commerce. Then, Anders details what the course aims to achieve and what an aspiring or existing art entrepreneur can learn over the three evenings.