079: Investing in Mobile Home Parks with Kevin Bupp

The Real Estate Way to Wealth and Freedom show

Summary: Kevin Bupp is a Florida-based Real Estate Investor and serial entrepreneur with over $40 million of real estate transactions. His extensive investment experience spans the gamut of apartment buildings, single-family homes, office buildings, raw land, condos, and his favorite and by far the most profitable, Mobile Home Parks.<br> <br> Kevin holds the keys to successful real estate investment. With over 16 years of experience, Kevin now educates investors to locate, acquire, and create “higher than average” returns from this widely misunderstood niche of Mobile Home Park Investing. He shares his expertise through the Mobile Home Academy and also as the host of The Investing for Cashflow Podcast. In addition to his Real Estate endeavors, Kevin is passionate about giving back and is the founder of several charitable organizations, including founded RunningforBrews.com, a social running club with more than 10,000 active members, and “72 Hours to Key West,” an annual 280 mile bike ride benefiting impoverished families during the holidays.<br> <br> Key Points<br> Starting out learning from a mentor<br> Why mobile home parks are a great niche<br> The need for affordable housing throughout the country<br> Mobile home parks - they aren't making any more of 'em!<br> Buying mobile home parks with seller financing<br> Lightning Questions<br> What was your biggest hurdle getting started in real estate investing, and how did you overcome it?<br> Learning. WIth the help of a mentor, Kevin was able to learn the ropes. <br> Do you have a personal habit that contributes to your success?<br> Health and fitness<br> Do you have an online resource that you find valuable?<br> Credit Karma (phone app)<br> What book would you recommend to the listeners and why?<br> Meet and Grow Rich by Joe Vitale and Bill Hibbler<br> If you were to give advice to your 20 year old self to get started in real estate investing, what would it be?<br> Get involved in multifamily real estate as soon as possible. <br> Resources<br> The Mobile Home Park podcast<br> <br> Real Estate Investing for Cash Flow podcast<br> <br> www.KevinBupp.com<br> <br> Contact<br> Kevin@KevinBupp.com