Ep:3 - #StartBeingDifferent

ALLWays Another Way show

Summary: There is nothing ordinary about my guest today. Dave Lopez got into Harvard's MBA program at 23. The average age is about 27/28. From there, you'll hear about the road that took him up, down and all the way to here. What happens when you get everything you think you ever wanted...and then do something different? Dave Lopez holds a Master's in Business Administration from Harvard and a Bachelor of Arts in Plan II, a special honors curriculum within the University of Texas at Austin. Born with the gift of insight and a commitment to thoroughness, Dave consistently finds himself on paths less traveled. With his outside the box approach, vast array of experiences and professional network, Dave has made a habit of delivering outstanding results. Conversation is said to be a dying art form in today's social landscape, and Dave’s writings strive to resuscitate its validity as an important part of who we are. Today, Dave has created harvardmisfit.com website, providing business insights and anecdotal stories about life. Dave is considered a rainmaker, risk-taker, forward thinker, strategist, intuitive creative and outstanding communicator. Calling all those that dare to be different. Calling all those that are fearful of change. There is Always Another Way ✨