Episode 69// Grow Up

Nerd of Godcast show

Summary: "What episode is this, Bill and Ted?" "Sixty-Nine, Dudes!" With that, this week we're talking about being a grown up. It's a world where you can stay up as late as you want and eat ice cream for breakfast, but you've also got to pay bills, go to the gym, do taxes and watch things like Dancing with the Stars... being an adult is the prefect picture of great power and great responsibility. EPISODE TIMELINE 0.5.51- What's in EJ's Cup? 0.17.25- GAME- Who's Your Daddy? 0.40.24- The Only Bad Pizza is No Pizza 0.45.45- THE TALK- Grow Up! 1.38.20- Characters That Grew Up 1.47.45- The End of Our Journey