For the Pops! - Episode 13 - Avengers Assemble

New Age Insiders Pop show

Summary: While Nick Fury gathered the best heroes around the world to form the Avengers, Scotty Slade has assembled a HUGE collection of For the Pops! guests for the Ultimate Marvel Movie Tournament.  Just like the NCAA, we picked 16 movies and had them compete until there was only one winner.  As we look ahead to Avengers: Infinity War, we argue and discuss the entire Marvel movie universe.  With us for the show:  Chaotic Wrestling's Brian Fury & Julian Starr, the New Age Insiders Liam Stryker and Jason Moltov, International Superstar, Nikki Prescott and Man of Mystery Jimmy Calzone. As always, hosts Scotty Slade and Jamie Jamitkowski attempt to keep control and we have the BIGGEST For the Pops! POP Quiz ever!!!!