The Duty of the Scholar | Baccalaureate Sermons

Inspirational Living: Life Lessons for Success & Happiness show

Summary: Listen to episode 180 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Duty of the Scholar | Baccalaureate Sermons. Adapted from The College and The Higher Life by Elmer Hewitt Capen. Inpsirational Podcast Excerpt: The question, “What is the significance of higher education and what is the proper function of the educated individual?” ever recurs. To be sure, the educational problem has been in a sense worked out, and we have come to take for granted the facilities and instruments of higher learning. But the financial outlay for these is enormous, and is increasing year by year, and the procession of college graduates is large, and growing in volume every day. We thus often hear the queries, "Why?" and, "To what end?" To answer such question will be the aim of today’s talk. Nor does it seem to me that the task is a difficult one. The answer certainly is given in the words of one of Jesus’s immortal parables: "Behold the sower went forth to sow." It is not the scholar's business to reap great rewards and to gather in rich harvests. Your place is at the beginnings of things. You lay the foundations. You set up principles. You give out without any thought of what is to come back to you. As a teacher you must impart; as a leader you must go before; as an inspirer, you must have the power of touching other lives and filling them with new impulses; and in every possible way you must prepare the world for harvests that can only be gathered in some far-off future when your very name shall have passed from human remembrance. Related Education Podcasts: College vs. The School of Life How to Get a Real Education