Parenting on Purpose with Love & Logic (Screamfree)

Inspirational Living: Life Lessons for Success & Happiness show

Summary: Listen to episode 183 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Parenting on Purpose with Love & Logic. Adapted from Love’s Way by Orison Swett Marden. Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Love is the great educator, the great unfolder of youth. As the sun is the only thing that will bring out the exquisite beauty of fruits and flowers, so love is the only thing that will develop the sweetness and the beauty of the child. It is the only power that will call out the true, the beautiful side of its nature. It is only the hard, coarse, and unlovely qualities of the child that are developed by force and repression. How often would a little kindness and forbearance on the part of a parent or guardian, a little better knowledge of a child’s nature, do wonders for a so-called "bad child" who is considered "incorrigible" or “hyperactive,” a fit subject for psychiatric drugs. Benjamin Lindsey, a judge and social reformer who had, perhaps, a better knowledge of the nature of the growing boy and girl than any psychologist or expert in child study, says: "The child is a wonderful creature, a divine machine. We have much to expect from them, but they have much to expect from us, and what they return depends largely upon what we give." The destiny of the child hangs upon its early environment, its parents, teachers and associates. Upon these depend the qualities or characteristics that will be called out of its nature. There are seeds of all sorts of possibilities lying dormant in the boy and the girl. A bad mother or father, a bad teacher, by appealing to the bad in them, will call out the bad. A good parent, a good teacher, by appealing to the best in them, will call out the best. Related Inspirational Podcasts: Words of Wisdom for Young Adults Following the Path of Love