Seizing Opportunity: Take Control of Your Thoughts & Life

Inspirational Living: Life Lessons for Success & Happiness show

Summary: Listen to episode 184 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Seizing Opportunities: Take Control of Your Thoughts & Life. Adapted from Beginning Right (How to Succeed) by Nathaniel C. Fowler. Motivational Podcast Excerpt: OPPORTUNITY never carries a torch. It travels on byways and along side-streets. It makes no noise. No trumpet sounds its approach. It passes along in the quiet of the starless night. It makes no effort to meet anyone. It never extends a welcome. It minds its own business. But it is ever ready to grasp the hand held out to it, to be a permanent guest in the House of Progress. Opportunity is in the very air we breathe; it is on the main street, and on the side street, and it inhabits the alley. It may not be as cordial to one person as to another, and it may seem to ignore some districts and occupations; but it is there, everywhere, below the surface, if not above the ground. Opportunity cannot be seen, unless you are looking for it. To many it seems to be a stranger, and thousands are looking for it and never find it. But it is not the fault of Opportunity. The seeker is often to blame. If opportunity does not appear to be where you are, don't change your environment, but hunt all the more diligently for it. If, after persistent search, you cannot locate it, then consider a change of base. But remember that where you are may be the best place for you to stay, and it is the best place for you anyway until you see light ahead. Don't plunge from the shadows of the present into the darkness of the future. Stay where you are (even though there seems to be not even reflected Opportunity around you), until you are able to place your finger upon the Opportunity of elsewhere. Related Motivational Podcasts: The Positive Psychology of Success Success Mindset: Grit & Courage