Energy, Authenticity & Character | Creativity & Mind Power

Inspirational Living: Life Lessons for Success & Happiness show

Summary: Listen to episode 190 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Energy, Authenticity & Character | Mind Power. Adapted from The Positive Psychology of Success by Newton N. Riddell. Motivational Podcast Excerpt: Learn also to cultivate the affections. The emotions are closely allied to the energies. They are a source of life and vitality. Healthy emotional activity is invigorating, energizing, purifying, and elevating. A loveless soul is a dying soul. The affections give an atmosphere which both receives and communicates influence. A person without love is like a dead planet that receives light, but having no atmosphere cannot convert the light into heat and therefore has no power to sustain life. You would be far better to carry your heart on your sleeve and get scratched once in a while than have no heart at all. All great personalities have strong emotions, strong affections, strong attachments. If you would have a winning personality, be a great lover. Keep your affections pure and direct them to their proper object; but give them expression. Be faithful in love with your companions, and cultivate a warm, genial friendship for others. It matters not what your position or calling in life, a strong social nature wisely directed is of great value. It is our greatest charm. It is the secret of many a business and professional success. It opens the door of opportunity. It attracts friends and brings support. It adds much of zest and joy to life, and if we look toward the larger life with the thought of service, or even with the idea of realizing our highest and best, we must love and be loved. Related Motivational Podcasts: The 8 Pillars of Prosperity The Positive Psychology of Success