Influence | Prejudice & The Art of Thinking Clearly

Inspirational Living: Life Lessons for Success & Happiness show

Summary: Listen to episode 193 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Influence: Prejudice & The Art of Thinking Clearly. Adapted from The Eight Pillars of Prosperity, by James Allen. Self-Development Podcast Excerpt: To get rid of prejudice is a great achievement. Prejudices pile obstacles in our way – obstacles to health, success, happiness, and prosperity, so that we are continually running up against imaginary enemies, who (when prejudice is removed) are seen to be friends. Life is a sort of obstacle race to the men and women of prejudice, a race wherein the obstacles cannot be negotiated and the goal is not reached. Whereas to the impartial person, life is a day’s walk in a pleasant country, with refreshment and rest at the end of the day. Prejudice causes you to form a conclusion (sometimes without any basis of fact or knowledge) and then to refuse to consider anything which does not support that conclusion. In this way, prejudice is a complete barrier to your attainment of knowledge. It binds you down to darkness and ignorance, and prevents the development of your mind in the highest and noblest directions. More than this, it also shuts you out from communion with the best minds, and confines you to the dark and solitary cell of your own egotism. Prejudice is a shutting up of the mind against the entrance of new light, against the perception of more beauty, against the hearing of diviner music. The partisan clings to their little, fleeting, flimsy opinion, and thinks it the greatest thing in the world. They are so in love with their own conclusion (which is really only a form of self-love), that they think all people ought to agree with it, and they regard others as more or less stupid who do not see as they see, while they praise the good judgement of those who share their view. Related Self-Help Podcasts: How to Think & Live Better How to Escape Groupthink