Obesity and overweight cost about US$166 billion in Asia and the Pacific

Asia's Developing Future show

Summary: Obesity and overweight are among the main risk factors of noncommunicable diseases that kill millions of people worldwide. How much do these diseases cost health systems and economies? In the United States, every obese person spends about $2,741 a year for additional health care. In Japan, overweight and obesity cost $1,537 a person. US businesses spend about $66 billion because of the absenteeism and lower productivity caused by overweight and obesity. The numbers are similar for European countries. Read the transcript http://bit.ly/2xtM7k6 Read the report https://www.adb.org/publications/imminent-obesity-crisis-asia-and-pacific-first-cost-estimates Authors Matthias Helble, ADBI senior economist and co-chair of the Research Department https://www.adb.org/adbi/about/staff-profiles/matthias-helble Kris Francisco, ADBI research associate at the time the report was published Know more about ADBI’s work on overweight and obesity https://www.adb.org/adbi/search/year/2017?keywords=obesity Read a related ADBI blog post Obesity in Pacific Island countries and territories: How big a problem is it? By Jillian Wate bit.ly/2xqE5b5