China is facing many of the problems Japan encountered as it strives for growth

Asia's Developing Future show

Summary: The People’s Republic of China needs to refocus its economy to avoid slipping into an economic downturn that could be worse than the one Japan has suffered for more than the past 2 decades. Comparing the experience of the two countries shows that China faces many of the same issues that prompted the beginning of Japan’s long economic slide in the early 1990s. While some differences could help China avoid Japan’s pitfalls, others could make it even worse. Some economic fixes are needed, and quickly. Read the transcripts About the authors Yang Yao is a professor at China’s Peking University. Kyoji Fukao is a professor at Japan’s Hitotsubashi University. Tangjun Yuan is a researcher at China’s Fudan University. Read the book Know more about ADBI’s work on PRC